Our comprehensive Assurance services provide point in time assessments and ongoing monitoring of your change initiatives, ensuring that they remain on track to deliver their outcomes and continue to align to your organisational goals.

Our Assurance services are underpinned by our 12 delivery pillars, and can be provided via our Health-Check service at critical phases within a change initiative, as well as an ongoing service in support of your transformation delivery leadership team or as a hybrid version of the two – an approach we’ve seen reap rewards for our clients previously.

Our Health-Checks are ‘point in time’ assessments of your change initiative’s health, and provide a comprehensive assessment of maturity and the inherent risk posed by this to deliver required outcomes successfully. These can be instigated reactively when change initiatives are starting to deviate from plan or tailored to fit a particular phase, e.g. set-up, and scheduled as part of governance sign-off processes.

Our ongoing Assurance service is embedded within a change portfolio or programme and is the ‘eyes and ears’ of the Transformation Leadership team, providing real time interpretation of delivery MI and proactively intervening to course correct any deviations from plan – or to mitigate emerging risks. This service also carries the capability to step in and lead on any recovery activities instigated through delivery governance.

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With successful change management outcomes delivered for everyone from industry giants to emerging players, our transformation track record speaks for itself.

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