Our design authority service provides assurance that business and technical decisions are right, that solutions are fit for purpose and that in-flight and planned change initiatives are aligned with desired business outcomes.
From our experience of recovering many change initiatives, we know that a common reason for failure is the lack of a controlled, cohesive business and technical design and an optimal roadmap for its deployment.
This lack of design leads to:
- Siloed and tactical rather than strategic solutioning,
- Opportunities for design consolidation being missed,
- Late identification of design dependencies, contentions, or gaps,
- Unnecessary work or rework due to sequencing inefficiencies,
- Perpetuation of legacy design inefficiencies.
Our Design Authority service provides the capabilities, principles and standards to define the end to end Business and Technical solutions that deliver your change initiative outcomes, with an optimal sequence for these that maintains operational stability whilst delivering transformation outcomes.
Design Governance, integrated within Transformation Governance, is a key mechanism for maintaining the ongoing integrity of Business and Technical Designs and their deployment sequence, and our Design Authority service can either set this up for ongoing internal operation or take ownership of this for the Transformation leadership team.
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With successful change management outcomes delivered for everyone from industry giants to emerging players, our transformation track record speaks for itself.